Clearing the Decks

December 25, 2009

So we’ve gotten through Christmas, right?  All the holiday preparations are finished, most of the get-togethers have wrapped.  I even managed to keep writing hard through the holiday, firing full-bore on the current graphic novel script.  So now what?  Now it’s time to clear the decks of tasking and issues that have piled up over the past months…and in some cases, over the past year.  I’ve already started the process, getting caught up on some long-delayed tax records.  I’ve worked on the house budget, cleaned up some financial statements and disorganized records, and filed receipts.  I’ve also come up with a strong and unified “To Do” list which I hope will solve some of my time management problems.  But the deck-clearing and forward-looking has only begun.  I’ll be working hard through the weekend and into next week to square away some long-neglected things, preparing for the bigger, better, and bolder 2010.  I always end up doing this kind of work at this time of year, since I tend to let financials and paperwork stack up like mad while writing and working on writing-related business.  Now’s the time to pull it together so I can move forward without feeling like I’m pinned under an avalanche of delayed tasking.  Onward and upward!  See you soon!