42 Spam Comments

June 1, 2009

So I missed a few days of blogging due to excessive yard work and activities, and what do I find when I pop back in for a visit?  Forty-two spam comments, each nastier than the last.  Is it human nature to have to ruin everything we come in contact with?  Do we always have to feel obligated to come up with new and nasty ways to spoil every good thing in the world?  The answer, as we all know, is a resounding yes.  If only I had the time and energy to was philosophical about this nastiness at greater length…but alas, I’ve run out of steam.  I’ll try to set aside more time and energy to post tomorrow.  Suffice it to say, I’m still out here plugging away, trying to make a go of it in the writing game.  See you soon.